Gen Z also referred to as iGen or the Centennials is a section of the population that comprises individuals born between the late nineties and early 2010s. This categorization means these are boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 24. These young men and women have technology at their fingertips as they are born in the age of super-fast internet and the latest gadgets. There are nearly 4.5 million boys and girls belonging to Gen Z in Australia. It is very important to understand what motivates and shapes these learners of today and employees of tomorrow. Here are some social issues that are very close to the hearts of these Gen Z individuals (zoomers) in Australia.
Health issues
These Centennials have seen the horrific health issues caused by the Coronavirus. They have lived through uncertain times in the last two years because of all the restrictions and lockdowns imposed by the government. This is the reason why these young men and women are not just highly concerned about their health issues but also hold themselves accountable for the many issues society is facing.

In the 10th ‘Millennial and Gen Z’ survey conducted by Deloitte in which 300 Gen Zs participated, a vast majority said that they were taking the guidelines issued by the government either very seriously or fairly. Nearly 70% of the respondents said that the pandemic has turned them more sympathetic to the needs of others. According to these Gen Zs, empathy is very important to them. The troubling revelation of this survey is that nearly 50% of the Zoomers feel stress and anxiety all the time.
Climate change issues
One-third of the Zoomers showed a concern for the environment and climate change. This percentage is higher than the overall global average of 26%. It is a clear indication that the younger generation of Australia is more sensitive towards environmental issues than Millennials and the other older sections of the population.
Racism and inequitable distribution of wealth issues
One social issue that Gen Zs are very concerned about is racism. They are far more liberal towards other races and ethnicities than other sections of the Australian population. They believe that racism is deep-rooted, systemic, and very widespread in the Australian population. Nearly half of the participants in this survey felt that the distribution of wealth in Australia is unequal and it is responsible for the inequality in society.
One surprising finding of this survey is that the majority of Millennials and Gen Zs have lost their faith in the government. They believe that politicians create a negative influence on society. They have no trust in politicians and feel that they are not reliable sources for correct information.
In a study conducted by Bauer Media, it was found that Gen Zs want to be average rather than super intelligent. They value ordinariness far more valuable than the traits of ambition and individualism. These young men and women value lasting relationships and community ties much more than anything else in their lives.