Due to the Covid-19 pandemic many industries, companies and organisations have been suffering a lot financially. Small businesses are also affected a lot due to recent inevitable lockdowns. Australian State and the Federal Government are looking to fund these business houses and people who have been suffering due to the pandemic, so they can create more employment, to sustain, to improve the economic development. To undergo these types of situations, South Australian government has announced quite a few grants and financial assistances. Below mentioned are some of them.
Regional growth fund 2021-2022
The purpose of the Regional Growth Fund is to:
- open up new economic opportunities in our communities
- deliver critical economic infrastructure to benefit regional industries directly
- strengthen regional communities
Eligibility Criteria
- a private sector business, i.e., for-profit businesses that are not owned or operated by the Government
- a State or Territory Government
- a local governing body as defined by the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995

A Regional Growth Fund of $15 million is available for this year under this program.
The fund for 2021-2022 will support:
- Applications for the Regional Growth Fund Competitive Grants, worth up to $5 million, are now open and will close at 12 p.m. on Monday, July 12, 2021
- The Minister of Primary Industries and Regional Development has committed $10 million to strategic regional growth projects, which are open for applications all year
Grants of $50,000 to $2 million are available to applicants under this program.
Grassroots Grants
Individuals, communities, schools, and volunteers can apply for Green Adelaide’s second round of Grassroots Grants to help improve their local environment. In round two, a total of $1 million in funding is available, with grants ranging from $2,000 to $150,000 available to help create a cooler, greener, wilder, and more climate-resilient metropolitan South Australia. The funds can be used to launch a new project or to expand on an existing one. Plantings, nature education, citizen science, weed and pest control, erosion management, and community engagement are all examples of activities for which you can apply for a grant.
Applications for grassroots grants are now open and will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, 9 June, 2021. Only the Green Adelaide region is eligible for funding.
Eligibility Criteria
- you must be a legal entity or sponsored by a legal entity
- a non-government organisation
- an individual or partnership
- a school, university or other educational entity (may require a sponsor)
Professional Development Grants
Arts South Australia invests in artists, organisations, and the community to support initiatives that demonstrate bold exploration and innovation, as well as a vibrant ecology of new relationships and networks, so that everyone can participate in arts and culture. Individual, independent artists and arts workers can use this grant to pursue skill development and training that is relevant to their artistic or professional practice.
Applications for professional grants are now open and will close at 5pm on Friday, 2 July, 2021. Grants of up to $15,000 are available to applicants.
Eligibility Criteria
- independent artists and arts workers (individuals and groups)
- small-to-medium organisations and major organisations can only apply to host an artist-in-residence to benefit a cohort of artists
If you are interested in knowing more about any of these grants and more, please do not hesitate to contact one of our advisers at the number mentioned below.