NSW – Art & Culture Grants

NSW Arts Grants

Grants for NSW Art & Culture Sector

This program is targeted at supporting NSW based art projects that promote Aboriginal culture within the state and in exceptional circumstances where there is a direct benefit to NSW artists and/or its communities. The program supports arts projects that celebrate and promote Aboriginal cultural identities and make the rich and diverse Aboriginal cultures of NSW more visible and accessible. The objectives of the program are:

  • To increase employment, professional and skills development opportunities for Aboriginal artists living in NSW.
  • Build the capacity and sustainability of NSW Aboriginal arts and cultural organisations
  • Enable Aboriginal communities in NSW to explore and express their cultural identities
Who can apply?
  • Any NSW resident that is an individual professional artist or arts/cultural worker, partnership or group; or
  • any NSW organisation working with the Aboriginal arts and cultural sector, (Eg; Aboriginal Land Council.)
Funding Amounts:
  • You can apply for up to $60,000 for projects delivered within 12 months.
  • You can apply for up to $75,000 for projects delivered over more than 12 months.

Enquiry Form