Transportation Sector Grants

Transport Sector Grants

Grant schemes open to the Transportation Industry

Although there are not many grants designed specifically for the transportation industry, there are a few schemes that can be utilised by businesses residing in particular states/territories. In this section, we will discuss some of these grants in detail along with their eligibility criteria.

Assistance for Hiring Employees

SMEs in the transport industry, in certain states, are eligible for a grant of $2,000 with every full-time recruit. To be eligible for this scheme, businesses must have an ABN and the new employee must remain employed with the business for at least one year before they can apply. This grant is also available on a pro-rata basis for trade industry operators who employ workers on a part-time basis.

Assistance for Purchasing Equipment

There are a few States that help SMEs in the transport industry sector by granting them up to $10,000 matching funds to digitalise their offices. These funds can be used to buy the necessary software; hardware and to pay for digital coaching required to improve their customer base. To be eligible for this grant, businesses must be registered with GST, have an ABN, have less than 20 employees and turnover should be less than 2 million.

Financial Assistance

Small and medium business owners in the transportation industry, who are looking to expand their existing business, can avail up to $3,000 interest-free loans and up to $10,000 with low interest as seed funding. Certain states also help SMEs in the tourism transport business sectors by providing them with incentives when they employ a new worker. Under this grant, business owners can claim up to $5,000 for each new trainee/apprentice/worker they have employed.

To be eligible, the business must be:

  • in the list of nominated business sectors
  • must not be liable for payroll tax
  • must be located in the state where the application is lodged

There are certain States that encourage transportation business owners who also work as drivers to hire people to work for them so that the owners can take care of the business administrative affairs. In some states, a matched funding of up to $5,000 is provided to help small businesses access professional advice to improve their business. To be eligible, your business should be: no older than 4 years, have an ABN and have less than 20 employees.

Above-mentioned grants are only some of the many incentives that the Australian government has in place to support the growth of small and medium enterprises. If you are an in the transportation sector and wish to know more about the various grants available in your sector, along with their eligibility criteria, contact our office today and speak to one of our advisors.

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