Hospitality and Tourism Management Industry Grants

Hospitality Grants

Grants and Assistance available to the Hospitality Sector

Unlike other grants, hospitality and tourism management grants are mostly funded by the individual states in an attempt to increase tourism, both local and international. In this section, we will discuss about some of these grants and how to avail them.

Though not specific for hospitality sector, one of the grants funded by the Australian government is intended towards increasing the energy efficiency of the commercial buildings. This grant, which provides a matched funding of up to $30,000, aims to encourage the owners of the commercial buildings such as hotels, bars, restaurants, offices, etc to identify problem areas and formulate plans to make their premises more energy efficient. To apply for this grant, owners must have an active ABN, should be in operation for at least one year, and have no serious EPA (Environment Protection Authority) violations.

Employment Incentives & Grants

Certain states also help SMEs in the building, tourism, hospitality, manufacturing and construction sectors by providing them with incentives when they employ a new worker. Under this grant, business owners can claim up to $5,000 for each new trainee/apprentice/worker they have employed. To be eligible, the business must be:

  • in the list of nominated business sectors
  • must not be liable for payroll tax
  • must be located in the state where the application is lodged

There are a few states that provide funding to the event managers/ organisers/ business owners who wish to organise events that are capable of attracting tourists. These grants are intended towards improving the tourism and hospitality sector in the region. The amount to be disbursed under this grant has no predefined limit, however it generally depends on the kind of economic impact and media impact an event can create. It also depends on the frequency of the event and the kind of private sector investments an event can attract. To be considered for this grant, organisers should apply 12 months prior to the date on which an event is planned to commence.

Grants in Hospitality

Some states have grants that are specifically designed for the hospitality sector. One such grant allows SMEs in the hospitality sector to claim for a licensed premise for keeping their alcohol reserves safe. This grant also provides the businesses with a funding of up to $20,000 to improve the security of the premises used to store their stock. To be eligible for this grant, businesses must:

  • be located in the state providing the grant
  • have an ABN
  • have a valid license for selling liquor

Above are only some of the many examples of grants offered by the federal and state governments to promote the hospitality sector in Australia. If you are seeking assistance and would like to learn more about the application process and eligibility criteria, call us today and speak to one of our advisors.

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