Like Charles Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest in animals, only the fittest of the businesses survive whenever recessions hits the economy of a country. During the last recessions to hit Australia, nearly 75,000 businesses got wiped out. That’s scary if you are running a business in Australia, isn’t it? There must be a way to make your business recession proof to overcome potential threats. This article describes some sure shot methods to survive your business during a recession.
Improve the efficiency of your business
You cannot predict when recession is going to hit the market but you can prepare for it in advance. Try to make your business more efficient by asking your employees to work harder so that they produce more in less time. If you feel you can improve efficiency by introducing technology, do not hesitate to introduce new machines and fire a few workers. Those who sense the time to come and become proactive are the ones who prevent their business from being wiped out.
Improve cash flow situation
More than 40% of the businesses shut down during a recession because their cash flow situation becomes worst. If you have sufficient cash to survive for a few weeks, you will somehow manage if money stops flowing during a recession. Learn to spend money wisely and avoid spending money on non-core activities. In due course, you will have sufficient money to survive a few months of recession when it really takes place.

Maintain a website even during a recession
Maintaining a good quality website that is smoothly navigable is a good ploy to survive your business during an impending recession. If it is attracting visitors, you can use it to disseminate information about your business and its activities. Customers believe in the quality of your products and services even when recession hits the economy as you are able to do the branding of your business. They search for the companies that they believe are selling good quality products at reasonable prices.
Don’t stop advertising because of recession
Many businesses in Australia make the mistake of stopping advertising and marketing activities altogether thinking they are eating up funds unnecessarily. In fact, this is the time when you want to step on the gas to let more and more people know about your products and services. This extra effort does not go in vain as your business reaches out to hitherto hidden customers. These customers can help in keeping your business afloat in times of recession.
Interact with people smarter than you
People tend to avoid people whom they find smarter than themselves. But if you really want to make your business recessions proof, befriend such intelligent competitors and follow them during the recession. Discuss the situation of the economy and their efforts to deal with the impending recession. Ask them business strategy and what they are doing in the wake of slackening demand from the customers. Learn how they are reducing cost of operations and selling products in the wake of decreasing sales.
Above mentioned are only some of the many points you want to explore to help your business survive even during a recession. Also, the Australian state and federal governments have some grants in place to help business owners strive in such situations. To know more about such grants, please speak to one of our advisors at the number mentioned below.