Due to the recent lockdowns in Victoria to control the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, many SMEs are suffering losses in revenue. Small businesses play a very vital role in the development of Victoria’s economy and the government understands this fact. So, in an attempt to help such small businesses and start-ups affected by the lockdowns, both the State and Federal Governments have announced quite a few grants. Below mentioned are some of these grants announced by the government of Victoria to help businesses as well as workers.
Impacted Public Events Support Program
The Impacted Public Events Support Program will provide $25,000 awards to organisers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 events that have been delayed or cancelled as a result of restrictions announced on Thursday, May 27, 2021. This is an invitation-only programme for Public Events Framework-registered events. Businesses that are eligible to apply will be contacted. Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m on Friday, July 16, 2021, or until the programme funds are depleted.
Eligibility Criteria
You must meet the following requirements to be eligible:
- Under the Public Event Framework (PEF), you must have an authorised or registered Tier 1 or Tier 2 public event with more than 1000 people
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Be registered with the related Australian or Victorian regulator
- Be registered with Work Safe Victoria

Independent Cinema Support VIC
The Independent Film Support Program, which provides up to $12,000 per cinema venue to independent cinemas that are unable to continue, will aid Victoria’s cinemas. Applications will be accepted until Friday, July 16, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., or until the programme funds are depleted.
Grant money can be used for a variety of things, including:
- Meeting business expenses such as utilities, labour, and rent
- Obtaining financial, legal, or other assistance in order to assist with business continuity planning
- Marketing and communications operations which are used to grow the firm
Eligibility Criteria
You must meet the following requirements to be eligible:
- Be in the city of Victoria
- Be registered in Victoria as the owner of an independent theatre with the ANZSIC class code 5513
- As of Thursday, May 27, 2021, you must be registered for the goods and services tax (GST)
- Because of the restrictions that began in Victoria at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 27, 2021, you have incurred direct costs or have lost income totalling more than $12,000
COVID-19 Disaster Payment for Workers Affected By Lockdowns
The new pay-out would assist Victorian workers who are now unable to earn a living because of lockdown limitations. From Tuesday, June 8, 2021, you can claim this payment online through myGov using your Centrelink account. For each duration of lockdown, the program will pay you a one-time payment. Either of the following options will be available to you:
- If you’ve missed less than 20 hours of work, you’ll be eligible for $325 in compensation.
- If you’ve missed more than 20 hours of work, you’ll be eligible to receive $500 in compensation.
Eligibility Criteria
You must meet the following requirements to be eligible:
- Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or holder of an approved working visa
- Live or work in an area designated as a Commonwealth hotspot
- As a result of the lockdown, you were unable to work
- Be in an area where there is a lockdown for more than 7 days
Have $10,000 or less in liquid assets
If you want to know more information regarding these grants and similar ones, please contact one of our advisers at the number mentioned below.