There are a wide variety of programs from which people can get financial aid, small business grants and loans through the government of NSW.
Before and After School Care Voucher Scheme
This program helps New South Wales households with expenses before and after school care. The program is open and there does not appear to cutoff date. Households with children in primary school in the state can apply for a one-time voucher of $500 for each child who is 4 to 13 years old, kindergarten through the sixth grade for before and after expenses involving school care, which parents will have fewer out-of-pocket expenses for their children. Each child needs a valid medicare card to be eligible. The application asks for the parents’ contact information, whether the parents need before or aftercare, or a combination, and if vacation care is needed.
63,000 children had been given the vouchers. There had been a delay in getting these vouchers due to the enormous demand, massive paperwork, and a backlog of applications. Some families had to wait weeks to cash in the $500 before-and after-school care vouchers promised by the NSW government because of the paperwork, overwhelming demand and a backlog of applications. In order for parents to receive their $500 voucher for each primary school student, a large number of procedures needed to be written and put in place, so that these vouchers could be processed.
Safe Work Small Business Rebate
This $1,000 rebate assists New South Wales small businesses to purchase things that will improve their safety and health, but to be eligible owners must attend a Safe Work New South Wales event prior to applying.
Each eligible business must operate and own a registered business within the state, employ up to 50 employees, and only apply once.
The program is designed to help make the workplaces safer and help business owners manage during the Covid-19 pandemic. Preventing injuries helps the employees and saves the business money while making the work environment more productive.
However, if a business has already obtained this rebate in the last 5 years or if it is a franchisee of a large business with more than 50 workers, councils, voluntary associations or government entities, they are not permitted to apply.
Small Business Fees and Charges Rebate Program.
This program is designed for small businesses, sole traders, and non-profit organisations. The rebate helps businesses recover from the pandemic, promotes growth, and lessens the cost of operating a business. The great thing about this rebate is the applicants can submit many claims until they reach the $3,000 rebate ceiling and they only have to apply once. Moreover, applicants who have already registered do not have to do anything to obtain increases in the rebate.
The money will apply to offset expenses against local government and New South Wales. These fees and charges include tradesperson, liquor, and food authority licenses, outdoor seating and event fees, road tolls, and council rates.
Eligible business can apply 50% of the Covid-19 rapid antigen test cost up to that $3,000 rebate amount for their employees. However, the rebate cannot be used to pay for fines, penalties, and fees designed to punish negative behaviour.
Applicants will need to provide their banking details, have a valid ABN/ACN, show proof of identity, and have a MyServiceNSW account. Two forms of identification will be required.
Programs that have paused or eligibility seems to have expired.
There are a surprising number of programs, but we will only go into depth on the Safe Work Small Business Rebate, and the Before and After School Care Voucher Scheme among the active programs, as they target a wide array of clients.
There is a Small Business Support Program designed to assist businesses to cope with the immediate problems associated with Covid-19. Similarly, the Export Assistant Grant program has paused its applications. We anticipate the Sydney CBD Friday Voucher Scheme will start soon and information will be forthcoming.

Non-government programs.
There are other programs that are not directly supported by the government. For financial institutions, customers should contact their banks and related financial institutions directly or contact the Australian Banking Association. Indigenous Business Australia has an economic development program for Torres Strait Islanders and the aboriginal population.
If you are a resident or a business owner in New South Wales, you will discover that the government has many grant programs on offer and there are non-governmental programs to help your business succeed and to help you get through the challenges associated with Covid-19. If you are a resident of or have a business in another state, you should apply for grants within that state. You should check the specific expiration dates as they are designed to help businesses and impacted individuals get through the economic challenges which have been made more difficult during Covid-19. To find out more information call us today on 1300-005-999 .