What Do Funders Look For In Your Application?

There are many types of grants available for individuals and organisations in Australia. These grants are provided by various government agencies and private entities to eligible applicants based on their selection criteria and the objectives of the grant programs. As an applicant, you should be aware of what the funders look for in your application.

Your eligibility and understanding of the grant program

The first thing that funders look at is your eligibility for the grant. They specify eligibility requirements in detail to make sure only those who fulfil these criterion apply for the grant. By attaching documents that prove your eligibility, you make it easier for the funders to know that you fulfil their eligibility requirements. Also, your application should make it clear that you understand the objectives behind the grant program completely.

They want all necessary details from the applicant

All funders give an application form containing questions and a set of documents to be attached by applicants. You must carefully answer all the questions to the best of your knowledge. Incorrect and incomplete applications forms get rejected by the funders. Make sure you give answers to all the questions without hiding any information and giving only the correct information to the funders.

They want you to respect their deadlines

Every grant or scholarship has some important dates for filling and submitting the completed applications forms. Your application is liable to be rejected or ignored even if you fulfill all eligibility requirements if you fail to submit the application before the expiry of the deadline.

Funders want you to understand and respect their process of application and selection

Every grant or scholarship has a unique process of application and submission of forms. It could be through mail or online application. Funders expect their applicants to have a clear understanding of the process so that no one feels cheated or gets disappointed that their application was not given a fair evaluation later on.

Applying in the required format as suggested by the organization

Many applicants apply for a grant or scholarship on a plain paper when it is clearly mentioned by the funders that they will accept applications only in a prescribed format. You cannot blame the funders for rejecting your application when you make such basic mistakes when applying for a grant.

Funders want you to review the application form before submission

The reason why most of the applications for a grant or scholarship may get rejected by the funders is because of silly mistakes committed by the applicants. You cannot blame the funders for rejecting your application when you have failed to attach one or more necessary documents. You cannot make changes in your application once you have mailed it or submitted online. It is therefore a good idea to review your application a couple of times so that you can rectify any mistakes you may have made. Go through all the attachments to make sure you have attached all the essential documents that have been asked by the funders.

If you follow the steps mentioned above, you will increase chances of your application getting selected for a grant or scholarship. Want to apply for a grant or an assistance program in Australia? If yes, please speak to one of our advisors at the number mentioned below.

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